Standing on the peak






And so I kept my promise. A selected few from the class who collected enough stickers went out with me to Swensens today for their much deserved ice-cream. They were all very appreciative and we had a good time.

Honestly, my wish is not that they would love me or thank me. Instead, I hope this will inspire them to want to keep up their good work and have more confidence in the teachers who come their way.

My biggest regret: A boy who had shown the most improvement did not turn up though he said he would. My question: What happened? And how would the class progress under the care of my successor? 

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One Comment on “Standing on the peak”

  1. fefe Says:

    They are and you can tell that from the way they dress. I could imagine the excitement they had to wait for this treat, coz they know it was earned and they are aware someone, a teacher who cares so much about them. Who dare say you can’t teach?

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